Quest for tropical snowy peaks

Logo of Ekvádor 2012 Expedition - Quest for tropical snowy peaks In the past, rumours of snow on the equator were received with derision and doubtful remarks. Some prominent geographers even referred them to the realm of myths. And before it does actually become reality due to the global warming, we decided to have a closer look at some of those mythical snowy peaks…

In the „Equatorial Republic“ or Ecuador there are ten peaks exceeding the altitude of 5000 metres and nine of them remain covered by glaciers. All of them volcanoes, and quite active in some cases. In the course of our four-week expedition we focused not only on the most famous ones, like Chimborazo (6310m) and Cotopaxi (5897m), but tried to approach the less visited, but this in a more interesting way in terms of technique - Cayambe (5790m), Antisana (5704m) or Iliniza Sur (5263m). More than ever before, we wanted to look at the local culture, meet with some Czech countrymen, taste culinary delights ...

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Added: Oct. 6, 2015
Author: Martin Linhart
Photos: Martin Linhart | Marta Léblová
Tags: 2012 | Baños | Ekvádor | Jižní Amerika
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